Navigating Childbirth: A Guide to the Stages of Labour
So you just found out you’re pregnant, and feeling a bit anxious? It makes sense that you’re unsure what labour is going to look and feel like. You’ve probably never attended a birth before and your only image of birth is from Hollywood movies which, I PROMISE you, couldn’t be further from reality.
In this blog post, we’re gonna set the record straight.
You will learn:
The 3 stages of labour
How long each stage typically lasts
What you can expect to feel in each stage
What you can do during each stage
What your partner can do to support you in each stage

What to Include in a Prenatal Fitness Program
Gone are the days when exercise was considered unsafe during pregnancy.It’s now widely understood that not only is exercise perfectly safe in any low risk pregnancy, but there are SO MANY BENEFITS. These range from improved sleep and mood, less aches and pains, shorter and less painful labours (umm yes please!) and less risk of developing pregnancy related complications like hypertension or gestational diabetes. But that leads to the question - what should you DO?

How to choose a Doula
So you just found out you’re pregnant and you’re looking to build your support network for your upcoming pregnancy and birth. Amazing. You’ve heard that a doula can be a great support for you and your partner and are excited to integrate this type of support into your birth experience. Best decision you’ve made (IMHO).
What’s next?

Everything you need to know about Labour Contractions.
If you’ve thought about or heard about birth - like, at all - you’ve heard that labour is accompanied by contractions. Some folks who follow hypnobirthing programs choose to shift their language and use the term ‘wave’ instead, because language can strongly impact how we understand what’s happening in our bodies. But ultimately, they’re referring to the same thing that is happening in the body - a tightening and shortening of the muscles of the uterus. But what exactly happens during a contraction? How does the uterus know to contract? And how can understanding what is happening during a contraction change our experience of it?
I’d love to work with you
If you are interested in any of Hannah Etlin-Stein’s services please be in touch!