Start parenthood off on the right foot with

The First 6 Weeks:

Postpartum Movement and Recovery Guide

Header image with text: The First 6 Weeks - Postpartum Movement and Recovery Guide, designed for new parents

Take the guesswork out of your postpartum recovery with a comprehensive program that guides you through those tender early days

Let’s SIMPLIFY your postpartum recovery

A 6 week evidence based movement program with a clear, step-by-step plan to return to your favourite activities - whether it’s strength training, running or simply moving with ease - safely and efficiently while honouring the needs of your healing postpartum body.

The postpartum time is so uncertain- you don’t want to do damage to your pelvic floor but you also want to help your recovery and get some movement in each day and this course allows you to do that in a way that feels safe and prescribed and easy to follow without being overwhelming
— Kristin A.

Early parenthood is overwhelming enough. Figuring out postpartum recovery can feel impossibly confusing.

You’ve probably heard it all

“Make sure to rest but don’t forget movement is super important for recovery”

“Make sure to do stretches, but not the WRONG stretches”

“Walking is so important for your mental health, but make sure not to walk too much or you’ll injure your pelvic floor!”

It makes sense that you have questions. A LOT of questions. 

Navigating postpartum recovery can be easy …

with the right support.

With The First 6 Weeks: Postpartum Movement and Recovery Guide, you will receive an expertly designed movement recovery program that will have you getting back to the movements and exercise you love, while avoiding long term pelvic floor problems.

2 programs for the price of 1!

You will get A Complete 6 Week Exercise Program designed by a prenatal and postpartum exercise specialist that you can follow step-by-step (at your own pace) outlining which movements to do from day 1 after giving birth to 6 weeks postpartum to ensure a safe and easeful return to exercise. But that’s not it …

You’ll also get 3 thorough modules focussed on preparing for postpartum from a doula and childbirth educator! 

But wait… that’s not it!

You’ll also receive a bunch of amazing BONUSES including:

  • an video interview with a pelvic floor physiotherapist

  • a video lesson on how to perform infant massage

  • how to perform cesarean scar massage in less than 5 minutes a day

    (plus more bonuses continually being added).

Hi, I’m Hannah

I’m a pre and postnatal fitness specialist, Registered Massage Therapist, birth and postpartum doula, and childbirth educator.

When I was preparing for the birth of my second child, I was determined not to neglect my postpartum recovery this time around.

I vividly remembered how overwhelming postpartum was —up was down, day was night.

I could barely remember to brush my teeth let alone figuring out what I should do to heal my body?

Forget it.

I also knew that between the constant feeding, sleep deprivation and healing from a long and intense birth my body needed support. 

I started searching for a simple, evidence-based postpartum recovery program -something clear and easy to follow. Something I could trust that allowed me to turn my brain off and fully focus on bonding with my new baby.

When I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, I decided to create it myself.

picture of hannah etlin-stein and son hugging close

Drawing on over a decade of experience as a pre and postnatal fitness specialist, a Registered Massage Therapist and my work as a birth and postpartum doula, I developed a 6-week movement recovery program. This program was divided into three distinct phases, each with prescribed activity levels, recovery goals and exercises that gradually progressed through mobility, strength and coordination.

I printed it out, stuck it on my fridge and followed it to a tee.

Oof, did it ever feel good to have a plan.

I was amazed at how much smoother and faster my recovery felt. My mind felt clearer, and I felt supported in knowing I was following a systematic recovery program.

To ensure the program was solidly built, I beta-tested it with a dozen other folks and the feedback was unanimous: this was exactly what they needed.

But I didn’t stop there...

I put on my doula hat and expanded the program to include all of the information I share with my birth clients on preparing for postpartum during pregnancy.

I want to make sure that amongst the many things you may say about your postpartum time “if only I’d known” isn’t on that list.

If you want to learn more about me, click HERE.

The days are so exhausting. The nights are so long. Being set up with a plan for how to navigate this time was so incredible. I could feel confident I was doing everything I could to make sure by body was healing properly.
— Nicole B.





Broken down into 3 distinct recovery phases each with prescribed activity levels and a list of exercises that progress through the recovery program.


where I will show you exactly how to perform each exercise so you can feel confident you are progressing with proper form and technique


that you can print out and hang on your fridge and check off when you’ve completed a session to help keep yourself accountable.


Including a list of postpartum essentials, video lessons and activity books to help you build your support team as well as PDF cheat sheets on what to expect your first week, how to prepare your home for postpartum and when to contact your healthcare provider plus so much more!!


Video Interview with a pelvic floor physiotherapist

Video lesson on how to perform infant massage

Video lesson on how to do Cesarean Scar Massage in 5 minutes a day

+ MORE continually be added

The First 6 Weeks: Postpartum Movement and Recovery Guide is extremely informative and organized. I appreciated the clear instructions thorough videos, and the thoughtful details such as the daily checklist which I was able to print off as reminders (anything to make postpartum period easier!)
— Grace L.

Here’s EXACTLY what you get:

module overview gathering your postpartum toolkit

Module 1: Gathering your Postpartum Toolkit

Included are video lessons and a Google Docs checklist with everything you will need during the early postpartum time for both a vaginal or cesarean birth.

Module overview: tools for postpartum support

Module 2: Building your Support Team

Included are exercises and tools to build a support plan specific to YOUR family’s needs. Included are video lessons, activity workbooks and journal exercises.

Module 3 Your first week postpartum

Module 3: What to Expect your First Week

This module is all about your first week postpartum. No longer will you walk away thinking “I wish I had known”. Included are PDF cheat sheets for both a vaginal or cesarean birth.

Module 4 Your Postpartum Movement Guide

Module 4: Movement and Recovery Guide

Your 6 Week Movement and Recovery Guide will live here. Included are video lessons on each phase of healing, video demos of each exercise included in the guide and a printable tracker.

module overview postpartum bonuses


Bonuses are continually being added to this section including an interview with a pelvic floor physiotherapist and a video lesson on how to do infant massage with your baby and how to perform cesarean scar massage.


Amongst the chaos caring for your new infant, I want you to remember

You Matter Too

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • That’s a super common misconception! While yes, it's true that it's important to avoid intense exercise in the early postpartum period, gentle movement and recovery-focused exercises can actually support healing and help your body adjust to the changes after birth. THIS IS NOT A BOOTCAMP. In this program, we focus on core connection, breathwork, and safe, gentle mobility exercises that can help you feel better physically and mentally. This approach sets the foundation for a stronger recovery once you’re cleared for more activity.

  • You won’t need a lot!

    The majority of movements in this program only use a mat, pillow and your body. A few extra pieces of equipment that are useful to have are a light resistance band, a squishy ball (a rolled up towel could also work) and one weight for later parts of the program (5-10 lbs).

  • If you’ve had a cesarean, recovery can take a little longer and look a little different.

    That is why I have created a recovery program that is specific to recovery from a cesarean. When you purchase this guide, you will have the Cesarean Guide recovery program included as well.

  • Birth can be unpredictable, and I understand that your experience may be different from what you envisioned. The program is designed to be adaptable to various postpartum situations, whether you had a vaginal delivery, cesarean birth, or any interventions. You’ll find modifications and guidance to support your recovery, no matter what your birth looked like.

  • Postpartum can be confusing and I’m here to help! If you have any additional questions or concerns about the program, feel free to reach out. You can contact me via email or through the contact form on this page. I’m more than happy to support you in making sure this program is the right fit for your postpartum journey.

The early days MATTER

Set yourself up from the start

Here is my promise to you.

As hard as the postpartum period can be - between the sleep exhaustion, the body pain and massive hormone fluctuations 

you don’t have to go it alone.

With a little bit of knowledge, preparation, and a PLAN, you can feel confident that you are recovering in a way that respects your body and your pelvic floor. This can make massive changes in the way you feel.