Third Trimester Moves

Preparing your Body for Labour

Don’t just WING your birth

In this 60 minute webinar you will learn exactly how to use movement to

  • Prepare your body for birth

  • Optimize baby’s position using specific knowledge on pelvic biomechanics

  • Set yourself up for an easeful labour and birth and ultimately - a smoother postpartum

image description of free webinar outlining how to use movement to prepare for birth

“This webinar was SO incredibly helpful. I made my husband watch it as well and during my labour he was able to guide me into positions and movements that were useful. It was like I had a doula by my side. I couldn’t believe this was free training!”

- Sarah M. (first time birther)

Get ready to dive into…

🔥 HOW prenatal exercise benefits both you and your baby

🔥 Practical ways to incorporate movement into your birth prep -even if you're struggling through pelvic girdle pain, fatigue or HG

🔥 Movements and positions during labour to support a smoother, more efficient birth using pelvic biomechanics

You’ll walk away with…

➡️ A video webinar outlining how to use movement during your third trimester to help prepare for labour and birth.

➡️ A 30 minute pre-recorded video of the exact movement series I used to prepare for my second birth designed for you to follow along anytime.

➡️ A PDF cheat sheet, featuring positions and movements to use before and during labour to optimize baby's position and support a smoother, more efficient birth.

Walk away feeling empowered, prepared, and armed with practical movement techniques to help create a smoother, more efficient birth experience.